


ABSTRACTThe study investigated job security, communication skills, interpersonal relationship and emotional intelligence as correlates of workers’ output among local government employees in Oyo State. The research adopted descriptive design of an expose facto type. The research instruments used includes Workers’ output scale, Emotional intelligence scale, Communication Skills Scale, Job Security and Interpersonal Relationship Assessment Scale, and were used to generate data from randomly selected two hundred and fifty (250) local government employees. The collected data were subjected to Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis. Results showed a statistical significant relationship between workers’ output and each of the independent variables. The predictors jointly accounted for 19.1% variation in workers’ output. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that periodic training on good interpersonal relationship, communication skills and emotional intelligence that will facilitate the attainment of organizational goals could be organized for all cadres of employees; organization are encouraged to train and develop their staff to the fullest advantage in order to enhance their effectiveness. 



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