
  • OLLEY B O Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
  • OLASENI O A Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria


                Intention and actual behavior have been complexly linked, with the theory of reason action (RA). In this exploratory study, we developed an index that measures HIV disclosure intention (HIV-SDI-INDEX). Thirty-two items were extracted from Focus Group Discussions (FGD) themes produced by 47 PLWHA on the factors that underlay intention to disclose or not to disclose their HIV serostatus. These items were administered to a sample of 149 registered PLWHA in various hospitals. Their ages ranged between 21 and 53 years with Mean age of 34.30 and SD age of 3.072. Eighty-two (55%) of the participants were females, while sixty-seven (45%) were males. The HIV-SDI-Index has a significant Cronbach alpha of 0.92, indicating an acceptable level of reliability. Validity of HIV-SDI-Index was established through the construct (discriminant and convergent) validity. HIV-SDI-INDEX is recommended for use, when intention to disclose, rather than actual disclose of HIV/AIDS among individuals living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) is the focus of assessment.


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