
  • OWOLABI, Ademola Benjamin
  • OSEKITA, Damilola Ayodele


job stress, marital satisfaction, job attitude.


            The current study was designed primarily to find out the influence of job stress, job attitude on marital satisfaction. Data were obtained from four hundred and twenty-three respondents who are civil servants from the Ministry of Agriculture, Health and Education in Ondo State. The respondent consists of 189 male and 234 female. Standardized psychological instruments were used to measure the variable.                As predicted there was a significant effect of job stress and job attitude on marital satisfaction, result reveals that employees who experience lower job stress and positive job attitude experience higher level of marital satisfaction. it was observed from the study that there is no sex differences in both the job stress and job attitude but there is sex differences in marital satisfaction, males experience higher marital satisfaction than females. it was also observed from the study that there is no significant effect of type of job on job stress, job attitude and marital satisfaction among the three sampled professions. The implications of these findings were discussed. 


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