
  • Dauda Arobo Ibrahim
  • Damilep Jonah Zumlong
  • Terry Nevin Haa


Cadets, Extrinsic Orientation, Intrinsic Orientation, Quest Orientation, Religious Orientation, and Psychological Wellbeing.


 Mental health is influenced by both religious orientation and psychological wellbeing. Understanding predictors of religious orientation on psychological wellbeing might improve mental health intervention. The predictor of religious orientation on psychological wellbeing among 346 Nigeria police academy cadets was examined. 106 of the participants are females, while the other 240 are males, their age ranged between 17 and 28 years old. The result of the study revealed that Intrinsic religious orientation is not a significant predictor of psychological wellbeing among Nigeria Police Academy Cadets t = -0.895, p = .371, (p > .05). Extrinsic religious orientation is a significant predictor of psychological wellbeing among Nigeria Police Academy Cadets. t = -3.229, p = .001, (p < .05). Quest religious orientation is a significant predictor of psychological wellbeing among Nigeria Police Academy Cadets. t = 3.352, p = .019 (p < .05). This implies that Extrinsic and quest religious along with psychological wellbeing can influence mental health. Consider very important subscales of religious orientation that predict psychological wellbeing (i.e. Extrinsic and quest orientation) in clinical effort to improve and sustain mental health.   


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