
  • Muqsitat Motunrayo AILERU


Social Media, Cyber Victimization, Undergraduate Students, University of Ibadan


    In Nigeria, evidence abounds that indicate that many youths including undergraduate students are being subjected to cyber victimization by their social media friends and/or acquaintances. While some of these victims experienced monetary exploitation, others have been raped or sexually abused. Against this background, this paper examined cyber victimization experiences of University of Ibadan undergraduate students. The study adopted phenomenological design and lifestyle exposure theory as theoretical framework. Data was generated through in-depth and key informant interviews. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were adopted in selecting a total of 30 undergraduate students who had experienced victimization via social media, while 4 police personnel were also purposively selected. The collected data were subjected to thematic coding and descriptive statistics. Findings showed that bullying, sexual harassment and scamming were the major forms of victimization experienced by the undergraduate students on the social media. Also, Facebook was identified by most of the victims as the platform through which they were victimised. Relevant law enforcement agencies in Nigeria are urged to show more commitment towards the implementation of the 2015 anti-cybercrime law.  


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