
  • Olakunle OLAWUYI
  • Anthony Odunayo POSUN


Economic sustainable development, Social sustainable development, Renovation and Tourism.


  Sustainable development takes its root from sustainability. There are three pillars upon which sustainable development generally rests, and they are economic, social and environmental. These three pillars can generally be attributable to all tourism destinations. Hence, the term sustainable tourism, largely connects to tourism destinations to the three pillars of sustainable development. Bower’s tower is a moribund monumental structure that sits upon a hill in the heart of Ibadan. The study thus examines the three pillars of sustainable development and indicators for the renovation of Bower’s Tower, in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Primary data for this study were retrieved with the aid of well-structured questionnaires. The retrieved data were descriptively and inferentially analyzed. The result of the study reveals that the three pillars of sustainable development (environmental, social and economic) are significantly joint predictors of the renovation of Bower’s tower. Furthermore, economic domain of sustainable development is the most significant predictor of the reconstruction of Bower’s tower, followed by environmental domain of sustainable development and lastly, social domain of sustainable development. Thus, the finding shows that it is more economically viable to renovate Bower’s tower, then secondly, it is environmentally viable and finally socially viable to renovate the tower for tourism.  


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